Person of Interest (Season 4)

ep.2 Nautilus

时长:00:43:42 / 首播:2014-09-30
Reese and Finch work to save the life of Claire Mahoney, a young, very intelligent mathematician who is heavily involved in solving a nautilus-themed cryptographic puzzle, a recruitment tool used to find gifted minds. But Claire is unaware that a private military firm from which she stole files for the game is after her to recover those documents. Several of their assassins are intercepted by Reese and Shaw just as they are about to kill Claire. Finch ultimately discovers that the Nautilus recruitment puzzle is being run by Samaritan. When Finch reaches out to her, warning against finishing the game, she does not listen and instead makes her way to the end of the game: the rooftop of a building in nautilus form. There, she is held at gunpoint by Silverpool operatives. Believing the game to be a lie, Claire hands over the documents, only to see the operatives are shot dead by unseen snipers. Before she can react, she discovers a phone on which Samaritan reveals its presence and recognizes her as an asset. Through Claire's documents, Silverpool's atrocities are exposed, as is a Silverpool threat identification program that would have competed with Samaritan. Later that night, Finch reveals the new base of operations to Reese and Shaw, telling them that he is back to help in the fight against Samaritan.

Directed by Chris Fisher
Written by Dan Dietz & Melissa Scrivner Love

吐槽箱 8

#1 - 2014-10-2 01:18
#2 - 2014-10-2 08:33
(出门在外靠伙伴 渡行宇宙凭真情)
#3 - 2014-10-2 20:37
关于借Mahoney之手铲除潜在竞争系统,其意义的设想有些问题。那机密文件真的在Samaritan鞭长莫及之处么?若要令Silverpool误以为有“老鼠”可追捕,它虚构出一两位黑客来也根本不在话下吧。所以不如就把这写作游戏中的试胆因素如何——它当然需要一位从心理到能力都扛得下死亡威胁的执行人,端掉Silverpool反而是顺便。不过这么看,那位Root, Jr.就半算是小组护送到Samaritan手中的。如此亦是无奈之事,它关乎什么是不应失却的,即便在“We are being watched”的情势下。
#4 - 2014-10-3 23:54
(爱No!I Know!才能!無いよ!)
#5 - 2015-2-21 18:17
#6 - 2015-11-28 21:56
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#7 - 2016-6-21 02:14
伪度假就是晒恩爱的糖23333 所以现在两个系统也算是在互相试探?并且两边都会有执行人助阵?感觉好像人机间谍战(x . x)
#8 - 2021-11-30 11:37