#1 - 2016-10-13 22:39
钛白 (参与i游戏开发设计中。昵称是种颜料。 ...)
### Apple Color Font ###
In Apple-style color fonts, bitmap images are embedded in a so-called sbix table inside the font file. Multiple images at various sizes can be assigned to each glyph.

### Microsoft Color Font ###
The Microsoft approach to color fonts employs two additional OpenType tables, CPAL and COLR. CPAL describes a palette of colors, and COLR defines how the colors from CPAL are used by which glyph. Technically, what appears to be multiple colors in a single glyph, is actually multiple glyphs stacked on top of each other, each of them displayed in its individual color.

### Layered Color Font ###
Adobe InDesign & Illustrator

### 没研究过,限定 QQ 平台,可能只是图片 ###
汉仪爵迹体——彩色字与电影的跨界新玩法 _滚动播报 _光明网
瞄准95后 爵迹因字而燃:汉仪《爵迹》跨界新玩法-搜狐财经
@汉仪字造 汉仪爵迹体