Good-Bye 漫画

  • 册数: 1
  • 话数: 9
  • 作者: 辰巳ヨシヒロ
  • 出版社: Drawn and Quarterly
  • 价格: USD 19.95
  • 发售日: 2008-07-08
  • 页数: 208


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"Good-Bye" is the third in a series of collected short stories from Drawn and Quarterly by the legendary Japanese cartoonist Yoshihiro Tatsumi, whose previous work has been selected for several annual "top 10" lists, including those compiled by Amazon and Drawn in 1971 and 1972, these stories expand the prolific artist's vocabulary for characters contextualized by themes of depravity and disorientation in twentieth-century Japan. Some of the tales focus on the devastation the country felt directly as a result of World War II: a prostitute loses all hope when American GIs go home to their wives; a man devotes twenty years of his life to preserving the memory of those killed at Hiroshima, only to discover a horrible misconception at the heart of his tribute. Yet, while American influence does play a role in the disturbing and bizarre stories contained within this volume, it is hardly the overriding theme. A philanthropic foot fetishist, a rash-ridden retiree, and a lonely public onanist are but a few of the characters etching out darkly nuanced lives in the midst of isolated despair and fleeting pleasure.

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nekojiruso 读过 @ 2023-3-19 23:18

辰巳展示的是几乎单向度的权力指向,一种去流动性的压榨,处于该体系中的人又往往只有性这一外溢途径,不可避免地回流到无解的漂流,始终笼罩在战败阴影下的虚无,just a man中阳痿的巨炮成为本书最好的标识。(这本取材更为多元,涉及到跨性别者和女性叙事,同名作的决绝看了真让人难受,用乱伦来超克自身)

ntmarie 读过 @ 2015-9-16 13:31


离群客 读过 @ 2014-6-11 12:49

当时能找到辰巳ヨシヒロ的短篇只有这本和Push Man,吊诡的是根本找不到日文原版bgm38.比起Push Man,这本每篇篇幅更长,人物选择和故事取材相对显得多样,心理刻画更为深入,叙事也更加曲折,余味甚浓。动画改编的几个短篇里其中有3个就是出自这本。看过漫画后,我越发觉得,动画如果能算成功的话,那也是源于原作自身的力量,比如Just a man,那种无奈与伤感总觉得漫画表现的比较好一些。

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