Modern Family (Season 6)

ep.1 The Long Honeymoon

时长:00:20:52 / 首播:2014-09-24
Cameron is not ready to conclude his honeymoon with Mitchell after their wedding. Gloria asks Jay to take over his appearance. The Dunphys must ready themselves for the return to school after having the best summer, but when Alex comes back from a humanitarian trip, chaos immediately returns.

吐槽箱 3

#1 - 2018-5-5 21:27
(自从明白此生娶不到“新垣结衣”,就一心想活得像段子。 ...)
#2 - 2018-5-5 21:36
(自从明白此生娶不到“新垣结衣”,就一心想活得像段子。 ...)
#3 - 2023-9-5 13:27
(could i be more……)