The Big Bang Theory (Season 8)

ep.6 The Expedition Approximation

时长:00:21:41 / 首播:2014-10-20
After Penny gets a company car she sells the one that Leonard gave her in "The Friendship Turbulence", and gives him the money. This bothers Leonard, and leads to a conflict between the two. They later share a dinner with Howard and Bernadette to seek their counsel on marriage and finances, but this in turn leads to an argument between Bernadette and Howard over money. Leonard and Penny decide to use it as an example of what not to do in their marriage and solve the problem by having sex on the money. Bernadette and Howard eventually make up as well.

Raj and Sheldon see a chance to study dark matter by participating in experiments conducted at the bottom of a salt mine. To test themselves, they crawl into a hot, sweaty utility space in the university basement with Amy waiting above ground. Sheldon fights several phobias including fear of enclosed places. He also reveals his fear that his new research will fail him like string theory did. Raj consoles him by relating his own fear when he first left India. When a family of rats show up Sheldon abandons Raj, who later excoriates Sheldon for doing so. Their simulation lasts eleven minutes.

Title reference: Sheldon and Raj simulating working in a salt mine by crawling into the steam tunnel.

吐槽箱 12

#1 - 2014-10-21 20:18
(He's dead, Jim.)
Penny's new lipstick seems so strange……
Apparently Penny is the guy and Leonard is the girl.
I love all of these weird moments between them.

"You know how insecure I'm about my insecurities."
"I miss the old days when I couldn't tell."

Poor Raj. I can't help laughing.
#2 - 2014-10-22 00:20
Raj is so poor...
#3 - 2014-10-23 06:04
看剧也就罢了 即使知道对方性格现实中真有朋友这么做也是够伤心的了 我觉得
you call yourself a friend?!
#3-1 - 2014-10-23 11:44
#3-2 - 2014-10-23 19:21
killsophia ^L^ 说: 毕竟是戏剧夸张过的嘛
是的.. raj的表演却有点真实啊 如果更夸张可能我就会觉得可笑了
#3-3 - 2014-10-23 19:38
孖喜 说: killsophia ^L^ 说: 毕竟是戏剧夸张过的嘛是的.. raj的表演却有点真实啊 如果更夸张可能我就会觉得可笑了
這一季的Raj越發讓我產生了It's all your fault, Raj的感覺
當然了Sheldon對於朋友的看法也沒好到哪去。參見Sheldon vs Barry No.2
#3-4 - 2014-10-23 19:48
killsophia ^L^ 说: 孖喜 说: killsophia ^L^ 说: 毕竟是戏剧夸张过的嘛是的.. raj的表演却有点真实啊 如果更夸张可能我就会觉得可笑了
it's all your fault raj我也有这样的感觉 但是并不影响我对这里的台词产生的感受… 毕竟矿井和之前别的事情没有什么关联
风筝的事情忘了 具体是哪一集?我可以去看看或者方便描述的话你能直接告诉我?
#3-5 - 2014-10-23 20:01
孖喜 说: killsophia ^L^ 说: 孖喜 说: killsophia ^L^ 说: 毕竟是戏剧夸张过的嘛是的.. raj的表演却有点真实啊 如果更夸张可能我就会觉得可笑了
Sheldon vs. Barry 是S2E13
#3-6 - 2014-10-23 20:07
#4 - 2014-10-26 14:29
poor raj 23333。
#5 - 2019-4-2 15:54
(俺は不本意を愛していた ​​​​)
#6 - 2020-2-21 18:17