#1 - 2018-3-21 19:28
Love is like after the rain, like after the rain. The feeling of love, is like after the rain, sunshine and warm. The ending of love, is like after the rain, stop and refrain. The anime is the best of the best literature and art and love anime in these years. There are too many advantages to be listed in here. When watching the anime, you feel like reading some meaningful prose, like those written by Chinese literature Lu Xun. Again, there are too many advantages. I picked the one is the most easily be overlooked. Imagery. The anime is very outstanding and successful in the use of imagery. Every episode is using a lot of Imagery to implicates and expresses emotions and endings. Some imagery even has more than three different levels of meaning, implicating and functioning. The feeling is so marvellous if you can find those imageries. The anime is so magnificent.