#1 - 2020-1-6 12:31
89757 (如果你认为你说的对,那你说的就对)

After she leaves the Drakalor Chain she is welcomed by her people with great
honors. They acknowledge her noble deeds, her valor, her cunning and her
great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world
she knows. She is crowned to be the queen of all dwarves and lives a long
and prosperous life full of love, happiness and pleasure.
里面的剧情是根据玩家的性别、种族、职业、被腐蚀程度决定的,大体上都是拯救世界的英雄凯旋而归,happy end。

After slaying Andor Drakon and absorbing his powers you quickly grow
accustomed to your new might. You enjoy yourself slaughtering your
opposition for a couple of moments and then prepare for a greater goal...
the conquest of your former home world.

To your surprise you have to realize that omnipotence is a stretchable word
and that you no longer are strong enough (maybe due to the heavy fighting
before) to pass the Chaos Gate or even send malicious energies through it to
harass Ancardia. Thus you bide your time and enjoy yourself sending Chaos
troops to Ancardia every couple of centuries.

This continues until you are finally strong enough to create a bridge
between the planes of Chaos and Ancardia. Sadly a nasty surprise is waiting
for you: the heroic folks of Ancardia obviously did not forget the last
incursion of Chaos and this time a heroine is prepared to challenge you.
Bathed in the radiance of Law and Goodness she enters your home plane and
challenges you to a battle.

To your surprise your dark magics don't affect her and you are killed in a
long battle. In the last seconds of your life, facing the might of the
heroine of light, you wonder if everything could have been different, had
you made some other decisions in your mortal life...

After slaying Andor Drakon and absorbing his powers you quickly grow
accustomed to your new might. You enjoy yourself slaughtering your
opposition for a couple of moments and then prepare for a greater goal...
the conquest of your former home world.

You collect your legions of Chaos and easily open a gate to Ancardia. The
unprepared inhabitants of Ancardia are completely surprised at the force of
your horrific onslaught. Your legions pour into Ancardia and your vile
energies start to transform reality itself!

After weeks of slaughtering and defeating some last brave and reckless
stands of the forces of Balance and Order (fools!) you face total victory.
Nothing remains of your former home world except an ever-changing graveyard
of transformed horrors!

You revel in your glory and then proceed to conquer the rest of the universe
wondering whether you haven't just lost something very valuable...


PS:这个游戏的通关画面和中途暴毙时game over时的bgm都是《The end of the struggle》,挺应景的。