2009-8-9 23:34 /

Jun 29th, 2009 by nemoma

In this small Setting Entry, I will describe some of the terms used in the stories.

Earth Federation Army, branched from former UN Peace-Keeping Force and some higher UN officials.

Their political leader is J.S, and their army leader is Wang Ling.

Even dubbed as an Army, EFA really didn’t have any firepower compared to other countries/organizations.

Most of EFA’s members are normal citizens, scientists. Ace Pilot/Soldiers is a fewer pare of EFA.

Even though the leaders are Canadian and Chinese, didn’t means they made up a large part of the Army, in fact, there are no such difference on the nationality at all.

After the death of Wang Ling and J.S, their place is taken by his son, Wang Ling (Different 2nd Chinese Character in-name) and Zhao Yue, one of Wang Ling Jr.’s friend, also a fantastic pilot.

(By that time there are no ranks at all.)

EFA’s Logo is a slight modification of the Peace Symbol, with three smaller circles added on each line, meaning Passion, Peace and Potential.

Appeared in : Pattern of Stars, An Age of Chaos.
Special Ability

A special ability varies from type to type, some of them are out-of-the-world-powerful such as GA-00’s Pure Telekinesis. While some of them are quite normal, such like Zhao Yue’s amazing results of not getting hit by anything even piloting a mothership.

Special Ability can be caused (and generally) by special combinations of DNA strings in one’s body, in this case if the blood can be analyzed that combination can be found and that ability can be copied. Also, this person’s fresh blood can become a catalyst of said ability.

However, not everyone can be this lucky to have a rare combination. People also acquire abilities by hard training. However, that’s limited to abilities that is not related to creation of matters.

There are generally five kinds of Special Abilities. Only few type can be learnt

1. Telekinesis

(Note: This include everything related to matters. e.g: Healing.)

2. Telepathy

3. Pregoncition

4. ESP

(Note: This include everything that’s about sense, but not belong to any of 2 and 3.)

5. Enhancement

(Note: Most of these can be learnt. e.g, one can be very good at aiming when using a ranged weapon.)

Other Special Ability related terms will be in a different entry.

Appears in : Pattern of Stars, An Age of Chaos.

Time-Space Frame

A Time Space Frame is a combination of  both Time Frame and Space Frame.

Something happened before time, however, if only managed to know the exact time of the incident is not enough. We need to have another Axis.

That results in the Space Frame, or the Alternative Universe Frame. Meaning the exact location of where the incident is happened.

For Example, A is born in Canada in 1990, however, someone who want to erase him from history, with only a timeframe in hand, he was able to transmit himself to 1990, and ended up in a hospital… Let’s say, Korea. Mission Failed.

Or another occasion: this guy now has a space-Frame: Canada. However, he arrived in 1989. Mission Failed again.

In this occasion, the correct Time-Space Frame could be Time: 1990 and Space: Canada.

Things may get more complex when Alternative Universe  is counted into play, which will described below and in another entry.

Appeared in : An Age of Chaos.

Alternative Universe

There is not only one universe.

Sometimes things are entirely different in another universe.

It’s caused by the auto fixing of timeline.

Let’s take the previous baby assassinating mission LOL for an example.

Let’s add the reason why this baby must be erased, let’s say, this baby worked out something in the future that’s …. er…. a base of super powerful bomb, which can easily wipe out an entire country.

So our justice(?) assassin set off, and went back to Canada, 1990. He tried to erase the baby’s existence by exchange the baby after he was born.

However, that created an Alternative Universe.

The baby that will developing the bomb is gone, since the new family is poor and has no money for university education. (Well, I’m just making a metaphor here.) And he never learnt how to make a bomb.

However, since he is poor enough, he went to Middle-East, and whatever happened after… Well… I’ll not continue. LOL

The assassin went back to the present, and the present is changed forever. However, the overall result will be the same, or his reason for travel back in time will be erased too, causing a paradox.

In an alternative universe, everything could change, as Butterfly Effect applies.

Also Alternative Universes may having something that will not exist in other Alternative Universes, the same things apply there.

More will be covered in separate entries.

Appearing in : An Age Of Chaos.

Project Tomorrow / Project Hope

A secret project that is held by EFA, which is for huge explorations in outer space.

The original name was Project Tomorrow, and consists of 5 Space Carrier, 300 Motherships and at least 600 citizen zones for various proposes. it’s supposed to complete in 20 years.

However, on the 5th year, the project is forced to a halt due to the Nuclear Incident, as the result the project is launched early.

It consists of 1 Space Carrier, 5 Motherships and 10 Citizen Zones and 3 smaller spaceships as of its name change.

The name was changed afterwards to Project Hope as in Hopes of the earth, total people on board is 300,000.

Appearing in : Pattern of Stars.
Tags: Original