2009-8-9 23:35 /

Jun 29th, 2009 by nemoma

Special Abilities related settings go here:

As for questions like “What’s a special ability?” refer to Setting 0-b.

Most of the settings, if not mentioned else, is first appeared in An Age of Chaos.
GA Rank

GA means Genetic Altered, as said in before, Special Ability can be copied if the DNA String can be copied.

After enough research, the way to generate a special ability is also found, and GA are the result of this research.

GA are different from Clones, since Clones are the exact copy of one, while GAs are different people, however, they have a gene template.

There is generally no names for GA members, however, they have Codenames, or CDNs. Their codename is randomly selected by a computer from a Chinese word database. Then machine translated to English.

GA-0 Series are the first series of GAs, and the largest group of them. There are plans for GA-1 Series and GA-2 Series, however as of now they are never happened.

Naming of GA-0 Series: Their Last Name are all 林, in Chinese, it means Forest, or as a common Last Name, pronounced “Lin”

Currently there are 5 GA-0 Series Members.

GA-00 林 苍月 (Lin Cangyue) –> Dark Moon

GA-01 林 仙凤 (Lin Xianfeng) –> Fairy Phoenix

GA-02 林 彩光 (Lin Caiguang) –> Rainbow Spark

GA-04 林 希莹 (Lin Xiying) –> Hope Firefly

(Special Note: GA-04 have a more humanly name: Amarillo Viridian, and her English CDN is the only one that have a different translation, Firefly translates as 萤 while 莹 means Jade.)

GA-05 林 天星 (Lin Tianxing) –> Heavenly Star

Their introduction will be in their own character setting pages.

Naming of GA-1 Series: They have no Last Name, their CDN is started with the Chinese character that have the pronounce of “Yi” ,which is a pun on “one”

Possible leading characters include: 宜 , 艺,  忆 etc.  

Possible names include : Yilian, Yixin, Yihao, etc.

Control Index

Control Index means the percentage of one’s spiritual power.

Everyone will have some of them, however, ESPers may have more.

One’s Control Index Maximum cannot be increased by medicine or machines. However, by training, one can possibly rise this number by a small content or reduce its usage.

Every Special Ability eats some of the Index, when the index is all ate up, one might faint(100%+) or even have life danger(250%+).

—Since Humans are not that stable life forms.

An average human that have no training at all have 100% as their maximum, where ESPers have 200%.

Other Specials may float between 100% to 175%.

It is possible to arrange one’s genes to let one have 200% Control Index. However it will come at a prize.


There are several Elements in term of Special Abilities.

The list is as below.

Sun: the Light side/ability , like healing and lifeforce sharing.

Moon: The dark side/ability , like telekinesis.

Wind: The ability that will change anything regarding to their status.

Fire: The ability that will speed up a reaction’s process.

Water: Opposite to fire, this slows down the process.

Leaf: Any abilities related to nature.

As the above implies, one ability can have more than one Element. However, they will always have Light Side and Dark side. Even a Light Side Ability can be used as a Dark one when the timing is right.

There is generally no weaknesses and strong points of elements. Even they seem so.

Special Ability Evolving

When a Special Ability is used rapidly, it will evolve.

The term Evolve means stronger or with easier handling.

A typical example of evolve is that of Telepathy.

A Telepathy person can only heard other’s thoughts at the beginning.

Then they can talk with others using Telepathy.

Then they can implement ideas into other’s brains.

After more usage, they can switch one’s memory.

However, do notice even ESPers may have some element from other abilities, their evolve are on the sense they have, not their separate powers.

e.g. : Amarillo Viridian can telepathically commute with anything nature related, however, no matter how her ability evolves she cannot implement her memory into others, or switching their memory.
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