2021-8-15 12:59 /
不代表索尼官方态度  亦不代表100%的事实

Top 100 for last 30 days on PS5

Here are the stats for the top 100 most played games last 30 days on PS5. 7339 active players were tracked.
以下是过去 30 天内在 PS5 上玩得最多的 100 款游戏的统计数据。 7339 活跃玩家被跟踪。

Want to join the party? Or do you think your favorite game doesn't have enough hours listed here?
Just add 'ps-timetracker20' to your friendlist. That's it.
It will take a few minutes to accept the invite, the rest will work automatically and you will receive a message through PSN once a day. Feel free to tell your friends if you haven't!
想入党? 或者你认为你最喜欢的游戏没有足够的时间在这里列出?
只需将“ps-timetracker20”添加到您的好友列表即可。 而已。
接受邀请需要几分钟,其余的将自动工作,您将每天通过 PSN 收到一条消息。 如果您还没有,请随时告诉您的朋友!

Data Sources explained
This data is not representative of all 100+ million PSN users! It can show a trend and can be extrapolated, but the sample size is not perfect.
All data is based on 33,207 tracked PS-Timetracker users.
PS-Timetracker Statistic is based on PS-Timetracker users since the moment the bot was added. All hours before that cannot be restored.
Historic PSN Statistic is based on PS-Timetracker users too, but it doesn't matter when the bot was added.
This does not include PS3 or PSVITA data, because PSN does not deliver this information via their API.
Data for the last 30 days is completely based on PS-Timetracker data
Rank, Hours per User, Total Owners and Total Time are based on Historic PSN data
All charts are based on PS-Timetracker data
这个数据不能代表所有100+百万PSN用户! 可以表现出趋势,可以外推,但样本量并不完美。
所有数据均基于 33,207 位跟踪的 PS-Timetracker 用户。
PS-Timetracker 统计数据基于自添加机器人那一刻起的 PS-Timetracker 用户。 在此之前的所有小时都无法恢复。
Historic PSN Statistic 也基于 PS-Timetracker 用户,但添加机器人的时间并不重要。
这不包括 PS3 或 PSVITA 数据,因为 PSN 不通过他们的 API 提供这些信息。
过去 30 天的数据完全基于 PS-Timetracker 数据
排名、每个用户的小时数、总拥有者和总时间基于历史 PSN 数据
所有图表均基于 PS-Timetracker 数据


Tags: 游戏
#1 - 2021-8-15 13:00

#2 - 2021-8-15 13:06
那评分 是中国app二柄的评分。。
#2-1 - 2021-8-15 15:23
#3 - 2021-8-15 20:32
