#1 - 2024-5-18 00:18


- 新增剧集相关服务端接口
  - 根据剧集ID查询剧集元数据
  - 根据剧集ID查询剧集完整信息
  - 根据剧集ID查询当前剧集所引用的所有附件
- 新增附件关系管理功能,目前主要用于手动绑定视频附件和字幕附件。


- 条目剧集附件绑定优化,绑定操作从条目详情页移动至具体的剧集详情弹窗 #531
- 日志记录优化,错误级别日志处理#505


- 启动console,找不到`@runikaros/api-client`和`@runikaros/shared`
- 修复附件移动时,子附件的`path`属性没有及时更新的问题。
- 修复服务端WebConsole,附件预览视频文件时,类似`xxx.jpsc.ass`无法正常显示是否简体繁体,同时如果再遇到无法识别的情况,在字幕选择列表直接显示比如`jpsc`。


- 升级console部分依赖,避免CVE.

What's Changed
* fix: 启动console,找不到@runikaros/api-client和@runikaros/shared #527。 by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/529
* build: upgrade version to 0.12.0 by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/530
* optimize:  subject episode resources bind logic. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/534
* optimize: app log file print in disk. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/535
* optimize: log files, save normal and error log only. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/536
* fix: where the 'path' attribute of sub-attachments was not updated in time when attachments were moved. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/537
* fix: the server WebConsole, when the attachment preview video file, similar to 'xxx.jpsc.ass' can not be displayed normally whether simplified or traditional.  by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/538
* fix: upgrade console dependencies for fix some CVEs. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/539
* docs: Update README.MD that add qq group link. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/540
* feat: attachment relation manager in console. by li-guohao in https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/pull/541

Full Changelog: https://github.com/ikaros-dev/ikaros/compare/v0.11.7...v0.12.0