He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Season 1 TV

  • 中文名: 宇宙的巨人希曼 第一季
  • 话数: 65
  • 放送开始: 1983年9月5日
  • 别名: 希曼
  • 国家: 美国
  • 语言: 英语
  • 每集长: 30分钟
  • imdb_id: tt0126158
  • 导演: Steve Clark、Lou Kachivas、Lou Zukor、Gwen Wetzler、Marsh Lamore、Ed Friedman、Hal Sutherland、Ernie Schmidt、Bill Reed
  • 执行制片人: Lou Scheimer
  • 制片人: Gwen Wetzler
  • 音乐: Shuki Levy、Haim Saban、Erika Lane
  • 动画制作: Filmation Associates
  • 出品: Mattel


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Prince Adam is the son of King Randor and Queen Marlena, the royal rulers of the planet Eternia. What the King and Queen and his friend do not know is Adam is the most powerful man in the universe known as "He-Man", a mighty warrior, who with the use of his weapon, the sword of Greyskull, and with help from his companions, loyal soldier Man-At-Arms, his daughter Teela, the lovable Orco and He-Man's pet tiger Battlecat, He-Man fights the evil Skeletor and his henchman who bid to rule Eternia and discover the secrets of Greyskull, the mysterious castle where He-Man discovered the sword of Greyskull and received his special powers.

简介来自 Daniel Williamson 。




Rêve 看过 @ 2018-4-27 17:30


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