The Office (Season 3) 欧美剧

  • 中文名: 办公室 第三季
  • 导演: Joss Whedon
  • 集数: 25
  • 开始: 2006-09-21
  • 结束: 2007-05-17
  • 类型: Sitcom Mockumentary
  • 国家/地区: USA
  • 语言: English
  • 电视台: NBC
  • imdb_id: tt0386676


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    The third season consists of 25 half-hours of material, divided into 17 half-hour episodes, four 40-minute "super-sized" episodes, and two one-hour episodes.

    Jim briefly transfers to Stamford branch after Pam confirms her commitment to Roy. Corporate is later forced to merge the Stamford branch and staff into the Scranton branch. Included in the transfer to Scranton are Karen Filippelli, with whom Jim has developed a relationship, and the anger-prone Andy Bernard. Pam is newly single after calling off her marriage and relationship to Roy prior to the merger, and Jim's unresolved feelings for her and new relationship with Karen lead to shifting tensions amongst the three. Meanwhile, Michael and Jan's relationship escalates which causes her to behave erratically on the job while Dwight and Angela continue their secret relationship. In the season's finale, Jim, Karen, and Michael interview for a corporate position that turns out to be Jan's, who is fired that day for poor performance. Jim wins and rejects the offer off-screen, opting instead to return to Scranton without Karen and asks Pam out on a date, which she joyfully accepts. In the final scene, we learn Ryan has been awarded Jan's job due to his business school credentials.

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