Iron Man: Armored Adventures (Season 1) TV


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    Iron Man: Armored Adventures (also known in early promotional materials as Iron Man: The Animated Series) is an American/French 3D CGI cartoon series loosely based on the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man. It debuted in the USA on the Nicktoons on April 24, 2009, and it aired on Canadian network Teletoon. The series is story edited by showrunner Christopher Yost,[4] who also worked on Wolverine and the X-Men, and numerous other Marvel Animation projects. The television show is not related to the 2007 animated film The Invincible Iron Man; it has a different voice cast, but some story elements are similar and the show uses the same musical score as the film in some instances. It is the first Iron Man television series since Iron Man from 1994–1996, and started airing after the success of the live action Iron Man film.

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