The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 游戏

  • 中文名: 德州电锯杀人狂
  • 开发: Sumo Digital
  • 平台: Xbox Series X/S
  • Xbox One
  • PS5
  • PS4
  • PC
  • 游戏类型: Horror
  • 游玩人数: 多人
  • 发行日期: 2023年8月18日
  • 官方网站:
  • 发行: Gun Interactive


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Take on the role of one of the notorious Slaughter family, or their victims, in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, a third-person asymmetrical horror experience based on the groundbreaking and iconic 1974 horror film.

As a victim you must use your wits and stealth to stay out of the Family's reach and find the tools you need to lead to your eventual freedom. Slaughter Family players must seek out, track down, and stop their guests from escaping. Players of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre can finally find out if they have what it takes to survive.

Experience the mad and macabre for yourself in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

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不聪明的亚子 @ 2023-12-13 23:30

人物场景一比一还原电影,还还原了巴布气急败坏的手舞足蹈结算画面。呆呆的老弟玩巴布,暴躁老哥玩厨子可太还原了。 有点像黎明杀机(第五人格就不说了),非对称玩法,逃生者各自逃生,就好像人类的本质大难临头各自飞。会玩的锁王跑太快了。 PC外挂多,火不起来。

冉阿让 @ 2023-10-5 20:48

和杀机比更像一个恐怖游戏/ 能不能修修那服务器,五局里面两局有人掉线,屠夫掉线一个一局就没法玩了。匹配机制也是逆天,lv99的能和lv9的匹配在一起,一旦超时还要重新匹配。/ 我算是明白了,制作组最擅长的就是自欺欺人。开黑标志影响匹配?好,你看不见谁开黑了。匹配等级不合理?好,你看不见别人的等级了。房间的匹配时间只有两分钟?好,匹配时间没了。再加上无数次的削弱人类和一个角色42的dlc,黎明杀机都显得良心许多。

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