The Take 欧美剧

  • 中文名: 黑道之家
  • 集数: 4
  • 开始: 2009-06-15
  • 结束: 2009-07-01
  • 国家/地区: 英国
  • 语言: 英语
  • 每集长: 45分钟
  • 频道: Sky1
  • 首播国家: 英国
  • 官方网站:
  • imdb_id: tt1366321


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    Freddie Jackson (Tom Hardy) is just out of prison. He's done his time, made the right connections and now he's ready to use them. His wife Jackie (Kierston Wareing) dreams of having her husband home but she's forgotten the rows and the girls Freddie can't leave alone. His younger cousin, Jimmy (Shaun Evans), dreams of making a name for himself on Freddie's coattails.

    At first Freddie gets everything he ever wanted and Jimmy is taken along for the ride: a growing crime empire that gives them all the respect and money they've hungered for. But behind it all sits Ozzy (Brian Cox) - the legendary criminal godfather who manipulates Freddie and Jimmy's fates from behind the bars of his prison cell.

    Bitter, resentful and increasingly unstable, Jackie sees her life crumble while her little sister Maggie's (Charlotte Riley) star rises. In love with Freddie's cousin Jimmy, Maggie is determined not to end up like her sister.

    Freddie and Jackie watch Jimmy and Maggie achieve all the dreams that they themselves failed to realise: love, family, stability and respect.

    Jealous resentment and an inability to control himself force Freddie to put both the business and family at risk. Torn between being loyal to a cousin he loves and being true to his own destiny, Jimmy is forced to decide between protecting Freddie or the life he has built with Maggie.




    Sai🖖 看过 @ 2015-3-28 19:38


    岚行 看过 @ 2013-1-8 22:53

    总觉在哪看过同样的故事,黑暗的黑暗的罪恶的因果循环。4集正经儿起承转合。疯狗死于小节,幼猫长成虎狼,此前无奈的分道扬镳,此后阴寒的秘密深藏。越往后味越厚,临至收尾广设符号,Jimmy厨房所言令我寒毛倒竖,他们都再也不复从前。Tom Hardy这次又性格缺陷又痞还有太多眼泪,多妙。摄制高质保障,印象最深却是用坏的慢镜。

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