Hannibal Season 1

ep.10 Buffet Froid

时长:00:43:02 / 首播:2013-05-30
Beth LeBeau is found murdered, having drowned in her own blood as a result of her face being cut into a Glasgow smile. Graham's mental state continues to sharply decline; he loses hours at a time and when a vivid hallucination causes Graham to contaminate the crime scene, Lecter refers him to a neurologist, an old residency colleague, Dr. Sutcliff (John Benjamin Hickey). An MRI reveals that Graham is suffering an advanced form of Encephalitis, but Lecter pressures Sutcliffe into telling Graham that he found no neurological problems so that Lecter can continue to analyze him. Graham returns to LeBeau's house, where he is attacked by her killer, who manages to escape. She is identified as Georgia Madchen (Ellen Muth), a young woman who suffers from numerous medical conditions, including Cotard's Syndrome, a delusion disorder that has her convinced she is actually dead and takes away her ability to identify people's faces. She mutilated LeBeau's (her best friend) face because she was deluded into thinking LeBeau was an untrustworthy stranger. She becomes interested in Graham after their encounter and even follows him to Dr. Sutcliffe's office. Graham reaches out to her and manages to convince her that she is alive and not alone, and Georgia is brought in for medical treatment. Lecter murders Dr. Sutcliffe but makes it look as though Georgia murdered him while following Graham.

吐槽箱 4

#1 - 2021-1-16 21:45
#2 - 2022-10-22 23:15
草 给我种麦叔希望他多多来做心理咨询的感觉 所以才骗他
#3 - 2023-7-21 11:47
(-.- zZZ)
#4 - 2024-2-1 13:48