Lie to Me (Season 3)

ep.12 Gone

时长:44min / 首播:2011-01-24
Directed by Adam Arkin
Written by Timothy J. Lea

A baby goes missing, and her mother accuses an unknown person of the kidnapping. When Lightman sees she's hiding something, he digs deeper and discovers a family in need of repair.

吐槽箱 1

#1 - 2015-7-30 02:36
我觉得Lightman对Lane Junior那段嘴炮不太对啊,他自己的爹确实更凶残,但这个男孩的爹不打人就意味着对儿子还不错了?那种态度谁都受不了吧?好吧只是个交涉技巧我不应该较真,但既然他拿自己例子出来说了我就是不服(bgm38)