Captain Carter 卡特船长

  • 简体中文名: 卡特船长
  • 别名: Captain Carter
  • カスター大尉
  • カスター
  • Captain Custer
  • 性别:
  • 引用来源:
  • CV: 若本 規夫(日),Garrick Hagon(英)


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    Captain Carter is something of an enigma. In charge of Pluto Alpha Base, which is wiped out by the Alliance early in the story, he is captured, tortured and subverted by the Alliance into the individual on the right. He was responsible for training Shiro, Hercules and Lee with Shiro being particularly close to him.
    For some reason he decided to leave his academy position and take up command of Pluto Alpha Base, a decision which Shiro wonders about later in the story. His story comes to an end after Shiro challenges him to a duel following the revelation that his subverted self has been responsible for increasingly clever attacks on X-Bomber. Finally freed from the Alliance's control as his "lobster" implant falls from his head, he forces Shiro into killing him in combat.

