Vlad Dracula

  • 性别:
  • 生日: 772年8月10日(1247岁)
  • 引用来源: https://hoteltransylvania.fandom.com/wiki


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    First, you got to possess something the late-fanger finds sweet and innocent, then you show them what's what and... POP!

    Vlad Dracula is the father of Dracula, the paternal grandfather of Mavis, the grandfather-in-law of Jonathan and the maternal great-grandfather of Dennis. He’s 2000 years old. After being ignored by his son for over hundreds of years, Vlad took to living in a dark cave with his cronies, his assistant being Bela.

    He appears in Hotel Transylvania 2 and Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation and was voiced by Mel Brooks.

