Brom Titus

  • 别名: Admiral/Commander Brom Titus
  • 性别:
  • 种族: Human


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    谁收藏了Brom Titus?

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    Brom Titus was a human male who served as an admiral in the Galactic Empire's navy. A few years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Titus was in command of the Imperial Interdictor, an experimental Interdictor cruiser that the Empire was testing in the Del Zennis system, using the ship's gravity well projectors to pull rebel ships out of hyperspace. Titus managed to capture the Phoenix Squadron's Commander Jun Sato and Jedi-in-training Ezra Bridger, however they were rescued by Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus and Clone Captain Rex, who disguised themselves as stormtroopers. The rebels destroyed the Interdictor by adjusting the gravity well projectors to pull in every ship nearby when activated, even the Imperial light cruisers, however Titus got away in an escape pod before the ship's destruction. Following this failure, he was demoted to commander and placed in command of Reklam Station, which was later destroyed by Bridger, after the Phoenix Squadron stole several Y-wing starfighters from the station.

