Divi-Dead 游戏


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My name is Ranmaru Hibikiya. Today is my first day at Asao Private School...

My uncle is the dean of this school. About a month ago, he paid me a visit and offered me enrollment at his school. Seeing I've been out of school for a long time, I accepted his offer. What was the catch? He asked me to keep an eye out for him. Bluntly, I was to be his spy...No problem.

Well actually, there was a problem. Once I arrived, I started noticing some disturbing things. There was violence and misconduct happening on campus, not the usual past times at a private high school. As I got deeper into my investigation, I came across a possible correlation between an underground society and the unusual behavior of my peers. I realized that I could not trust ANYONE.

There's just one last thing...After transferring, sometime between all the sexual escapades happening on campus, and my investigation, something horrifying happened to me. I...

Join me in my quest to uncover the horrible secrets at Asao Private School.... and find out what fate holds for me...

[From the back of the box of Divi-Dead]



by vexling 2023-5-2 13:50 (+3)
故事开始,一个长着野兽一样的爪子的人闯进了病房内,用他尖锐的爪子割开了床上熟睡的男人的喉咙。 在男人断气前,他的眼中映射出了袭击者的样貌…… 5年后,故事正式开始,男主角响谷兰丸转学到他的叔父石岛丈治担任校长的狩野山学院高等部上学。 兰丸从小患有一种 ... (more)


攻略和剧情分析 渡りの詩 0 replies 2019-4-30
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FF 1234567890 玩过 @ 2023-12-10 14:34


比良坂初音 玩过 @ 2023-11-8 21:42


ドボロ 想玩 @ 2023-11-7 15:31


废墟徘徊俱乐部 玩过 @ 2023-10-13 10:54


渡りの詩 玩过 @ 2019-4-30 15:32

虽说打着克苏鲁的名号但实际上并没有直接提及相关的东西,不过作品中出现的《はての国》这本书倒是成为了《潜行吧,奈亚子》里的一个梗。由于经费或制作期限不足, シーズウェア98年出的那三个游戏都因为bug或错字,说明不足,flag难立等问题而导致评价偏低,但事实上它们有着上乘的素材和走在时代前端的画面和演出。就本作而言如能忍受移动的繁琐和前两天缺乏进展的剧情,壮大的剧情和黑暗的氛围都会让玩家觉得不虚此行

乌龟 搁置 @ 2019-1-14 00:40


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