Icarus Montgolfier Wright

  • 中文名: 伊卡路·斯蒙特高尔菲·怀特
  • 上映年度: 1962
  • 片长: 18分钟
  • 类型: 动画 / 短片
  • 导演: Osmond Evans
  • 编剧: Ray Bradbury
  • 主演: James Whitmore、oss Martin
  • IMDb链接: tt0056091


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章节列表 [全部]:
      Jebediah Prentiss has just built the first rocket. In the excitement, he is asked what is his name. This question sends him back through history to the pivotal moments and inventions that led to this moment from Icarus's first flight, to Montgolfier's first flight in an air balloon to the Wright brothers' first flight on a plane. Finally, he answers the boy that his name is Icarus Montgolfier Wright.

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