Ghost Exorcism INC. 游戏

  • 别名: 獵鬼公司
  • 驱鬼公司
  • 幽灵猎人公司
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: 恐怖
  • 游玩人数: 1-6
  • 发行日期: 2021-07-16
  • 售价: ‎US$17.99
  • 官方网站:
  • 开发: StudioGoupil
  • 发行: StudioGoupil


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    / 1人玩过 / 1人搁置
    1) 谨慎选择任务。任务板上会出现不同强度的关卡。
    !\\ 在开始任务之前,请准备好足够多的装备。

    2) 任务开始后,你可以使用房车里的电脑生成你之前购买的装备。
    3) 把物品放在这个恼鬼地点有助你得出各种证据。
    4) 找到证据后打开你的平板电脑,然后点击鬼魂百科应用并输入找到的证据。
    5) 得出结论后在车载电脑屏幕上右侧或鬼魂百科应用内进行选择。
    6) 现在该驱鬼了!
    7) 驱鬼成功后,你可以继续完成次要目标,或开车回基地!

    - 如果你没有驱鬼就逃离现场,你在现场房车之外部署的装备将丢失。
    - 在多人游戏中,把昏迷的同事带回车上可让他获得一些钱和经验。
    - 鬼魂会对简单的行动作出回应。比如
    “问候语 [鬼/你好/...] + 行动 [写字/开灯/说话/...]“",

    Do you feel like you have the soul of an exorcist? Do you have the desire to send evil entities back to the afterlife? Would you prefer this thrill as a solo exorcist, or in a team?

    Ghost Exorcism Inc is a spooky game about exorcisms. The exorcist's mission is to cleanse entities that haunt locations such as castles, mansions, and abandoned houses. Exorcists will have several paranormal tools at their disposal; such as the EMF K2 detector, the entity analyzer, the threat detector, surveillance cameras, etc.
    Once the threat has been identified- you can follow the given exorcism protocol, using equipment such as the neutrino-gun, holy water, incense (and more) to send the supernatural entities back to where they came from.
    Play alone or in a group of up to 6 players. More teammates means a higher chance of success when venturing into larger haunted locations.
    Speech Recognition
    Ghost Exorcism Inc will allow you to use your microphone to interact with the paranormal entities. They will listen to you and understand your requests, so be careful to not upset them!
    Proximity Voice
    Be prepared to communicate with your team using the in-game proximity voice!
    Missions & Progression
    Successfully complete contracts to earn money and gain experience. Higher levels will allow you to purchase more advanced equipment capable of exorcising even more dangerous entities.
    Various Entity Types
    There are several entity behavior profiles. Each entity will have a randomized type (Shadow, Poltergeist, Demon etc), set of evidence to collect, and behavior.
    Ghost Aggression
    Hunting and exorcising is far from an easy task. The entities do not want you there, especially if you are trying to banish them from the living realm. Be prepared to defend yourself, and protect yourself.

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