Сказка о царе Салтане 剧场版

  • 中文名: 萨尔丹沙皇的传说
  • 别名: The Tale of Tsar Saltan
  • 上映年度: Soviet Union 1984
  • 片长: 53min
  • 导演: Ivan Ivanov-Vano / Lev Milchin
  • 编剧: Alexander Pushkin(poem "Skazka o tsare Saltane") / Ivan Ivanov-Vano(screenplay) / Lev Milchin(screenplay)
  • 主演: Anastasiya Zueva / Mikhail Zimin / Aleksey Zolotnitskiy
  • IMDb: tt0142851


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    章节列表 [全部]:
      The color version of Pushkin's most popular fairy tale, about three girls-sisters under the window who once spun late in the evening, dreamed about the tsar, not suspecting that he was eavesdropping - So tsar Saltan chose his wife who promised to give birth to a hero. The son was born when the sovereign went camping. And the evil sisters, along with grandmother Babarikha, decided to get rid of the young princess. Babarikha arranged that Saltan had ordered his wife and son Gwidon to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea. But mother and son did not die, but ended up on a magical island.

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