Dungeonborne 游戏

  • 别名: Project Crawl
  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: ARPG
  • 游玩人数: 1~多人
  • 官方网站: https://dungeonborne.com/
  • 开发: Mithril Interactive
  • 发行: Mithril Interactive


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    Survive the Dungeons
    Delve deep into the treacherous corridors of Clouseau Castle on a solo venture, or brave the multi-floored Sinner's End with up to two allies. Discover hoards of priceless artifacts and defeat the monsters that guard them. Then lead your party to safety, before these walls become your tomb.

    Forge your Legend
    Embrace your role as a Fighter, Priest, Rogue, Swordmaster, Pyromancer, Cryomancer, or Death Knight. With first-person clarity, feel the power of each spell, the heft of your weapons, and the strategic weight of every decision. Charge into battle, unleash devastating skills to break enemy formations, cast lifesaving buffs on allies, or use tactical throwables to turn the tides. Dungeonborne blends the immediacy of first-person action with the depth of RPG strategy for an unparalleled experience.

    Dynamic, Visceral Combat
    Engage in a dance of steel and sorcery with ten unique weapon pairings that bring a fluid, back-and-forth action combat experience. Parry, block, and riposte in a high-stakes fight where skill determines the victor.

    Buildcrafting and Trading
    Discover equipment with random affixes and corruptions, enhance your gear with gem socketing, trade items in a user-friendly auction house, and hunt for over 40 legendary and unique items with epic effects designed to help you sculpt the ultimate build.

    Arena and More to Come
    Enter the fray in the competitive 3v3 Arena. Challenge other adventurers, revel in the excitement of combat, and strategize to claim victory—all without the risk of losing your equipment. Keep in mind that this is merely the beginning. Stay tuned for a wealth of fresh content and gameplay innovations as we strive to enhance and evolve the ultimate dungeon-crawling adventure.

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    跳板跳板 玩过 @ 2024-2-11 21:13

    在玩demo,游戏整体玩法简单粗暴,2.4h体验下来感觉有点高风险中回报了,职业平衡也比较一般,遇见骷髅职业还不了手,拿着好装备信心满满下城最后啥都没了确实有点坏心情,多人未尝试//多人方面多人地城难度比较高,队友伤害应该是开启了,做什么都畏手畏脚,更何况恢复手段真的很少,绷带你不能多掉一点吗?掉个破布还要地城外合成炼金,太蠢了//我宣布,DKpvp已经杀穿了,坚韧叠起来永动机,14/3dk无敌了 // 游戏时间18h,此游戏boss该杀的也杀过了,剩下就是无止境的pvp,目前只是demo阶段给个6分还行,单人模式城堡乱斗讲究一个战斗,爽,三人模式还是和朋友一起玩打团架开心,纯PVP的dk无脑强,缺点是外挂比较多,职业也不算太平衡,我应该会暂且搁置这个游戏了,正式上线若100元以下会考虑。刷的暗影长剑和骑士盔甲不知道会不会删档弄没,我也无所谓了。

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