Shape of Humanity

ep.2 忌妒

时长:3:32 / 首播:
It can be disguised as a sense of justice, anger, concern, and all sorts of emotions.

Jealousy can lead to a desire to belittle others.
Jealousy triggers a deep-seated aggression in people to destroy the person they are jealous of.
Jealousy triggers deep-seated aggression in people who want to destroy the person they are jealous of, who want to guide others, and who want to establish themselves as superior to the person they are guiding.

Because jealousy is wrapped up in so many emotions, I have interpreted the diversity of jealousy in different ways.

But on further reflection, I have come to realize that it can also be interpreted as a human emotion.
I feel that it can also be used as one of the roots of human emotions.

Jealousy can be wrapped up in emotions as well as other emotions.
