サイバーイリュージョン 游戏

  • 原画: Na-Ga
  • 发行日期: 1995-09-22


/ 11人想玩 / 3人玩过 / 1人搁置 / 1人抛弃
Around the turn of the millennium, global warming has become a reality. Abusing energy and the Earth's resources, humanity has driven itself to a point where normal life on Earth could no longer exist. Drastic rise of temperatures caused planet-wide dehydration. The only way to keep existing was through the Cyber Net, a virtual reality system. But soon the Cyber Net began to suffer from continuous assaults by hackers, who programmed lethal viruses into it. Thus, the Cyber Police was born. The protagonist of the game is a high-ranked officer of Cyber Police. With the help of his team, he has to solve the hacker problem once and for all.
The game has explicit sex scenes, which are interactive and feature a point-and-click interface.

大家将 サイバーイリュージョン 标注为




比良坂初音 玩过 @ 2024-3-14 18:06

由于海平面上升,国土面积,居住区域的减少,开始在网络上建立生存空间。男主身为cyber police的一员,日常在网络上巡逻,为了给即将到来的网络峰会排除黑客危机。过程中遇到了利用气球散播病毒的小丑形象黑客,在接连遇到几位遭受病毒的患者后,通过设置陷阱和黑客对峙,知道了黑客身份,了解事件真相。//前期主要就是现实里找队员谈话,然后网络里巡逻,如此反复。后期的迅速展开目不暇接,虚拟与现实,克隆,复仇,意志的结合等。

kotosaki 玩过 @ 2019-7-28 00:32


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