The Ballad of Nessie 剧场版

  • 中文名: 尼斯湖水怪
  • 话数: 1
  • 音乐: Michael Giacchino
  • 製作: Walt Disney Pictures
  • 动画制作: Walt Disney Animation Studios
  • 别名: 尼斯水怪之歌
  • 上映年度: 2011年7月15日
  • 片长: 5分33秒
  • 导演: Stevie Wermers-Skelton / Kevin Deters
  • 编剧: Regina Conroy / Steve Wermers-Sckelton / Kevin Deters
  • 制片国家/地区: 美国
  • 语言: 英语
  • IMDb: tt1827536


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    A gentle creature named Nessie lives happily in a small pond with her best friend MacQuack, a rubber duck. When rich developer MacFroogal destroys the pond and land surrounding it to build a giant miniature golf course, Nessie is forced to search for a new home. She finds rejection everywhere, and is always ordered to keep a stiff upper lip whenever she feels like crying. Finally, Nessie loses all hope and starts crying for weeks on end. When she cannot cry anymore, she finds that her tears have created Loch Ness, a new home for her and MacQuack.
    A mid-credits scene reveals that MacFroogal's golf course is flooded out as well. MacFroogal breaks down in tears as he and his assistants sail away on part of a large sign, while the water knocks off some of the letters on the remaining part, leaving the word "MacFool" behind.

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