Ctrl Alt Ego 游戏

  • 平台: PC
  • 游戏类型: AVG
  • 游玩人数: 1
  • 发行日期: 2022-07-22
  • 售价: $19.99
  • 官方网站: https://mindthunk.com/
  • 开发: MindThunk
  • 发行: MindThunk


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      Warning: This game will mess with your mind.
      Put aside your gaming preconceptions and embrace the unique experience that is Ctrl Alt Ego!
      Play the role of yourself, minus your body.

      Transmit yourself between bots and devices and exploit the innovative mechanics to solve problems your way.
      Explore a deep, nonlinear, interconnected world.
      Shoot, sneak or get creative, be pacifist or executor.
      Enjoy a darkly farcical story about the future of human consciousness.

      If you enjoy immersive sims, there's every chance you'll enjoy this.
      If you don't know what an immersive sim is, but you enjoy thinking for yourself and solving puzzles with no preordained solution, this game is for you.
      If you're an experienced gamer looking for a fresh, engrossing experience, you just found it!

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