Mary and Max 剧场版


by Sawarin🎐 2022-12-27 09:14 (+1)
Mary and Max 2009 这是部,浪漫的片子 前阵子,我一直有个想法萦绕于心,“刀子,能让你伤心,发糖,能让你开心,但只有浪漫,能让你深思。” 不过我迟迟想不到有哪部电影,有哪部动漫,符合我心目中的浪漫 幸好,今天我找到了 电影剧情,就像心电图,有无数个起起落落 (大概有9个起,10 ... (more)

I wanted to be anybody but myself.

by 镜子阁 2021-12-9 05:50 (+0)
The reason i forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect,and so am i. All humans are imperfect,even the man outside my apartment who litters. When i was young,i wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if ... (more)