System Shock 游戏

  • 中文名: 网络奇兵:重制版
  • 开发: Nightdive Studios
  • 剧本: Chris Avellone
  • 别名: System Shock Remake
  • 平台: PC
  • PS5
  • Xbox Series X/S
  • PS4
  • Xbox One
  • 游戏类型: Action role-playing
  • 游戏引擎: Unreal Engine 4
  • 游玩人数: 1人
  • 发行日期: 2023年5月30日
  • 售价: $44.99
  • 官方网站:
  • 发行: Prime Matter
  • 导演: Stephen Kick


/ 28人想玩 / 9人玩过 / 4人在玩 / 1人搁置 / 1人抛弃
“Look at you, Hacker. A pth-pth... pathetic creature of meat and bone.”

You awaken from a six month healing coma aboard Citadel Station, TriOptimum’s premier research facility. Mutants feast on their former crew mates, nightmares of flesh bound to metal roam the dark hallways, and the station's A.I., SHODAN, is aiming Citadel's mining laser... at Earth!

Your military grade neural interface is all that stands between humanity and the silicon god coming to remake Earth in their vision.

System Shock is a remake of the beloved PC classic. Updating mechanics, graphics, and enemy A.I. - System Shock is here to offer a new generation of players a chance to go toe-to-toe with one of gaming's iconic enemies: SHODAN. Fight, hack, and save humanity from a fate worse than death itself.

◇ Weapons & Tools at Your Disposal
“How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?”

Weapons have been completely overhauled to form a new deadly arsenal featuring the MK 2100 Magnum, SK-27 Shotgun, LG-XX Plasma Rifle, ND-12 Rail Gun, the Laser Rapier, and many more.

Plug-in the Mapping Unit implant to chart your way through all 9 levels of Citadel Station, hook-up the Biological Systems Monitor to monitor your health and energy consumption, and install the Multimedia Data Reader to experience the last horrifying moments of Citadel’s crew.

◇ New Threats and Horrors
“My children, a human infection continues to thrive inside of me...”

SHODAN's twisted mind has remade the crew into her image of perfection. Poisoning their DNA, she mutated their flesh. Clouding their minds, she grafted together steel and bone to make them cyborgs. Around every corner lurks a new and horrible way to die.

◇ Explore Citadel Station for the 1st Time
“You are an interloper, a blight on my domain.”

Citadel Station has been renovated to include new areas to explore, traps to evade, puzzles to solve and secrets to discover.

Hack your way through Cyberspace, a 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) hacking simulator rebuilt to be more dangerous with new enemies and challenges.





A7M2型試作機 玩过 @ 2024-4-21 15:32

大部分时间都在捡垃圾...打到最后发现资源早就够把最终战打上好几遍了。因为我是第一次接触这个ip,要用我以前玩过的游戏形容游戏体验的话,大概就是死亡空间+半条命+银河城。听说游戏的整体设计其实和初代没有太大差异?若真是如此那真是非常超前的游戏。有官方汉化,但是字体非常小,而且错译很多,繁中虽然没什么错译,但字体一样小(汗)。个人游戏体验还不错,但我觉得它并不适合每一位玩家,购买前需要仔细斟酌——光是没有提示,需要玩家自行通过游戏中的音频、文字、邮件信息判断自己需要干什么这一点,就难倒很多人了。剧情的话中规中矩,非常“赛博朋克”的 故事。

HateCrewDeathroll 在玩 @ 2024-4-15 11:13


YU-NO 玩过 @ 2024-3-24 15:00


芃春 玩过 @ 2024-2-8 00:09


ranger224 玩过 @ 2023-7-29 19:24

230702-230729 搜了下评价 怂了 难度1111通关 回收器实在是太不人性化了 繁中翻译换行比简中好点 小字体太瞎了 那个台球杆塞不进回收器直接分解就好。。。

squritle 玩过 @ 2023-7-2 18:32


Gillwindy 玩过 @ 2023-6-19 08:07

优点:忠于原作的重置,甚至九几年网上的攻略还能用你敢信?不过重置整体氛围感很到位,可以说是现代化的原作。 缺点:忠于原作的重置,游戏设计还是九几年的感觉,一半游戏时间都在迷路,必须的线索满地藏,地图逛了五遍,通关时还有四个武器没见过

沃尔特HX 玩过 @ 2023-6-5 21:07


大空カサネ 在玩 @ 2023-6-3 18:44


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